IMAGE: "Sawtooth National Forest - Stanley, Idaho"


District of Idaho

Chief Judge David C. Nye

Public 2 New
U.S. Courts District of Idaho Seal
District Court General Information
Central Violations Bureau

The Central Violations Bureau (CVB) is a national center charged with processing violation notices (tickets) issued and payments received for petty offenses committed on federal property.  The CVB web site will allow you to make an on-line payment of your federal ticket.

If you choose to not pay your ticket, you will be notified and your case will be set for hearing before a Judge.

Notice Regarding New CVB Website
Paying Your Ticket
Make a Payment
Making your payment on-line will credit your account quicker. 

If you mail in your payment, send it to Central Violations Bureau, P.O. Box 780549, San Antonio, TX  78278.

Frequently Asked Questions about CVB tickets

How do I know if I received a federal ticket?

If the ticket you received does not say "U.S. District Court Violation Notice" across the top, you have not received a federal citation.  Federal tickets are issued by law enforcement personnel from agencies including the Amy Corp of Engineers, Bureau of Land Management, Federal Protective Service, U.S. Fish & Wildlife, U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Airforce Security Forces, U.S. Tribal Police, and Veterans Administration Police.  Click on the image of the ticket above as a reference.

How can I pay my ticket?

You can pay on-line by going to You may also make a payment by calling the Central Violations Bureau during normal business hours (Central Time) at (800) 827-2982 or mail a check or money order to:

Central Violations Bureau
P.O. Box 780549
San Antonio, TX  78278

**Please include the location code and violation number on your payment.**

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How do I set up installment payment plan arrangements?

You may contact the U.S. Attorney's Office, in advance of your scheduled court date, to set up an installment payment plan.

U.S. Attorney's Office Central Violations Bureau Coordinator:

Boise (208) 334-1211
Coeur d'Alene or Moscow (208) 667-6568
Pocatello (208) 478-4166


Installment payment plans may also be arranged during your scheduled court hearing.

I want to contest my ticket, but I did not receive a court date on my citation.  Will I be notified?

You will be notified by the Central Violations Bureau of your court date by mail.  You will receive a Notice to Appear usually within 4 to 8 weeks from issuance of the ticket.

I received a Notice to Appear that states "mandatory appearance required".  Do I have to appear in court?

If you received a Notice to Appear that states "mandatory appearance required", you MUST appear.

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I received a Notice to Appear that shows an amount due.  Do I have to appear?

If your Notice to Appear shows an amount due, you may choose to pay your fine amount in full in lieu of appearing in court.  All payments must be received on or before the scheduled court date.

What happens if I don't pay the ticket or appear in court?

If you fail to pay the amount due or to appear in court on the date and time scheduled, the United States District Court may issue a summons ordering you to appear or issue a warrant for your arrest.

How can I check the status of a ticket?

Contact the Central Violations Bureau by calling (800) 827-2982.  Use option 4 to hear an automated recording with the status of your ticket.

I received a ticket, but I have moved.  How can I change my address?

Address change requests must be submitted in writing to the Central Violations Bureau.  You may send a fax to (210) 301-6401, email (see below for email address) or mail to:

Central Violations Bureau
P.O. Box 780549
San Antonio,  TX  78278-0549

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