Idaho Legal History Society
Idaho Bar Transcripts
Proceedings of the Idaho State Bar

Below is a listing of the transcripts of the proceedings of the Idaho State Bar.  The documents are scanned images and may be very large in size.  Please be patient as they download after you select one.

Index to ISB (1921-1974)
ISB Vol 1, 1921
ISB Vol II, 1923
ISB Vol I, 1925
ISB Vol II, 1926
ISB Vol III, 1927
ISB Vol IV, 1928
ISB Vol V, 1929
ISB Vol VI, 1930
ISB Vol VII, 1931
ISB Vol VIII, 1932
ISB Vol IX, 1933
ISB vol X, 1934
ISB Vol IX, 1935 & Vol I Judicial Section
ISB vol XI, 1936 & Judicial Section Vol II
ISB vol XIII, 1937 & Judicial Section Vol II
ISB Vol XIV, 1938 & Local Bar Sections
ISB Vol XV, 1939 and Local Bars Sections
ISB vol XVI, 1940
ISB Vol XVII, 1941
ISB Vol XVIII, 1942
ISB Vol XIX, 1944
ISB Vol XX, 1946
ISB Vol XXI, 1947
ISB Vol XXII, 1948
ISB Vol XXIII, 1949
ISB Vol XXIV, 1950
ISB Vol XXV, 1951
ISB Vol XXVI, 1952
ISB Vol XXVII, 1953
ISB Vol XXVIII, 1954
ISB Vol XXVIX, 1955
ISB Vol XXX, 1956
ISB Vol XXXI, 1957
ISB Vol XXXII, 1958
ISB Vol XXXIII, 1959
ISB Vol XXXIV, 1960
ISB Vol XXXV, 1961
ISB Vol XXXVI, 1962
ISB Vol XXXVII, 1963
ISB Vol. XXXIX-1965
ISB Vol XL, 1966
ISB Vol XLI, 1967
ISB Vol XLII, 1968
ISB Vol XLIII, 1969
ISB Vol XLIV, 1970
ISB Vol XLV, 1971
ISB 1972 Annual Meeting
ISB Business Session 1972 Annual Meeting
ISB Business Session 1974 Annual Meeting
ISB Business Session 1973 Annual Meeting
Outlines, Resolutions and Reports, 1973

Idaho Bar Transcripts Notes

1923 – Mandatory Integrated Bar Statute passed, but subject to challenge. Revised and enacted in 1925.

Volume II (1926) and Volume III (1927) of the Proceedings of the Idaho State Bar were bound together in one volume and contain one Index, located at the back of Volume III.